Πέμπτη 31 Μαρτίου 2011

Sunshower Orphans

   μπορείτε να ακούσετε όλο το album τους στη σελίδα τους στο bandcamp και να το κατεβάσετε ελεύθερα!
   έχουν πολλά και ωραία τραγουδάκια!

Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2011

...απλά είναι τα πράγματα!!!

...κάντε και μία βόλτα από εδώ!

Τετάρτη 2 Μαρτίου 2011

Natto - the Food of the Samurai Warrior

...λόγω των συνεχόμενων τραυματισμών, ο δάσκαλος του αικίντο μου σύστησε τη βιταμίνη Κ2 και μέσα από την αναζήτηση που έκανα βρήκα τα εξής πράγματα:

 Natto, a typical breakfast food, is made from steamed and fermented soy beans. It's use in Japan dates back hundreds of years to the age of Samurais who believed it increased their strength and quickened their reflexes.
Today about 7.5 billion packages of Natto are sold in Japan each year and Japanese health authorities have invested resources promoting regular use of Natto, including making it an integral part of the Japanese school breakfast programs. In the last ten years several studies have found natto, containing the active component vitamin K2, to increase bone mineral density and reduce bone fractures.
Also, several studies on Vitamin K2 specifically has been found to promote bone metabolism and reduce the incidence of fracture in osteoporosis. As compared to vitamin K1, vitamin K2 has been found to be more effective in decreasing bone turnover in vitro and in vivo,  suggesting that it may offer more bone health benefits than K1.
(continue reading here)
...It is the source of a warrior’s power, the samurai’s resilience—a source of longevity, vigor, clear-mindedness, and heart health. (taken from here)